Yoga Posters

I’m very excited to share these! For my final project in my Illustrator class I choose to illustrate 3 yoga posters.  It is wonderful to be able to combine two passions.  They are designed at 11×17 and I can’t wait to have them printed and hanging on our walls.

{Yoga Poses to Balance the Chakras}

{Yoga Poses to Balance the Chakras}

{Surya Namaskar :: Sun Salutation}

{Surya Namaskar :: Sun Salutation}

{Moon Salutation Sequence}

{Moon Salutation Sequence}

Thank you for stopping be my little space in the internet! Hope everyone is having a beautiful week and I’ll leave you with this little reminder from Buddha.

“A tree lives on its roots.  If you change the roots you change the tree.  Culture lives in human beings.  If you change the human heart, the culture will follow.”


Man I Miss This

It’s 12:45am and I just got off my usual Friday night bartending shift.  Bill is asleep next to me so I sit in the dark to unwind.    I’m drinking a tequila, eating pita & humus, and looking at some of my favorite blogs. Man, this internet space, as exhausting as it can be, sure is inspiring.  This week has been one of those very long types….computer crashes, stomach flu  (luckily not me, but poor Bill), end of the semester projects piling up, injury flare up in my shoulder, messy house,  yada yada yada.   But, after it all, I am fortunate, happy, and grateful.    I have yoga to thank for calming my mind, and inspiring bloggers and artist who find the courage to share everything they are and believe in with the rest of the world.  Sometimes a really bad day can be turned around by a simple reminder to love yourself, it’s all that counts in the end, or a reminder that creativity is so very necessary and powerful, I cling to that now.  I miss blogging so much.  Tonight as I look at photographs, and  just sit and write, I realize how much I miss it.   School has brought so much growth into my life, and I’ve really pushed myself, but I miss the freedom to create with out requirements.  But, it is through this process, I for the first time  feel confident in myself as an artist and a creator.    Though this week left me feeling depleted at moments, it has also reminded me to be patient, and to appreciate every moment, even the ones that can really suck.  I’ve also begun to realize how much more honest I want to be in this space, because creativity and beauty comes from honesty and courage… and finding beauty in the less beautiful moments. I’ll be back here soon ( no more school project in 3 weeks!)  but till than here’s a few things I’ve been working on.

*each of these illustrations was completed using Adobe Illustrator by me. Each illustration was given as a school assignment with thematic direction and technical requirements.  

{a creepy dream illustrated}

{a creepy dream illustrated}

{self portrait with text}

{self-portrait with text}





{abstract ocopus's garden}

{abstract octopus’ garden}







4valentinesblogI’ve always loved designing Valentine’s cards, there really are not many better subjects than love.  So these are this year’s designs, and while I actually had them designed in the first week of January, it took me until today to make them available on my Etsy shop.  I really  need to learn to get ahead of the holidays.  Wait….lets back up….Esty Shop? Yep that’s right!  While I was away from this space I did get some other things crossed off my To Do list,  one of those things being finally opening my Etsy store, Little Plum Design Shop.  Though I am still very new to the process of selling my products, and harbor some anxiety about the idea of shipping out products (post offices and mail can bring me unnecessary stress), I am thrilled to have finally opened shop so that I can begin sharing more of my work and paper goods.  It also gives me a new space to learn about graphic design and my art.  I struggle photographing my cards with the lighting we have available in our apartment, so creating better, and more consistent, natural light for my photographs is something I look forward to learning more about.  There is always so much to learn! It’s actually quite exciting! 

Today in yoga our mantra for class was, Today I am stronger than I was yesterday. In this moment I am stronger than I was in the moment before. With this breath I am stronger than I was  with the breath before.  During a very physically challenging class it helped to move my mind from the fatigue I felt in my limbs, powering me through moments when I struggled.  I carried this mantra with me off the matt, and realized it is true for many places in life.  On those day that I question my work, or learning a new skill becomes frustrating, I will tell myself those words, I am stronger today than I was yesterday, knowing that as I continue to learn more and more about blogging, graphic design, or just being a good, honest human being, I will be getting stronger, slowly perhaps, but surely.  

oh and go check Little Plum Design Shop on Etsy pretty please!

In the Pursuit of Dreams

Leap of Faith2

{created in Illustrator}

There are days I have wondered if perusing my dreams will only leave me frustrated and broke, but then I quickly remind myself that it was these feelings of self doubt and fear that lead me so far from happiness and success in my early twenties.  To grow as an individual I’ve had to relearn to trust my instincts, and to live more authentically.  In the past 6 months, with a little extra time left each day without blogging, I returned to my yoga practice.  Through it, I am finding the confidence to continue to pursue only the things that bring joy and love into my life, and those around me.  It is helping me open up, and trust myself as an artist and creative soul.  I’ve mentioned in past posts that finding balance in life and daily routine is very important to me. Returning to my yoga mat, with more commitment and passion than before, has created balance in my physical and mental body in a way I’ve never had before, therefor it has become a powerful tool for me in reaching my goals. I look forward to blogging more about this experience as it has become a necessary and wonderful part of my daily routine.  When you release fear and judgement from your thoughts, it’s amazing where you find yourself mentally and physically, and we must remind ourselves of this daily.  I’m off to pursue dreams today!

Less is More


The older I get the more I’m learning less is more.  I remind myself I can’t fill my days with too much, that there are limits to how much I can accomplish in 24 hours.  I am letting the little things move me and make me feel content.  There are lots of big things coming this fall, so I want to savor summer while it’s here, while remaining productive and focused towards up coming goals.   More challenges in keeping life balanced, but the more it’s practiced the easier I find it.  I have also been getting back into my yoga practice again, and I find it helps to center me, and energize me.  July is already half way over, and summer can’t be put on pause, but today I’m going to slow down and do some small things around the house that make me happy, and need to get done.  Happy Monday, hope your week is off on a happy foot!

No Matter the Weather

no.matterblogYesterday we expierienced a very impressive afternoon thunderstorm, which brought a downpour of rain.  Here it seems like such a treat to get a good storm that brings lots of rain.  We don’t get them enough, and I love summer storms, so I really appreciate them while they last.  I love that you can listen to them with the windows open, and smell them as rain wets warm concrete and earth.  Yesterday I got to enjoy the storm from my art desk with the big window in front of me open.  It was a very relaxing way to spend the hours before going into work for the evening.  Bill, however, was caught out in sheets of rain on the golf course, and came home soaked.  Weather in Colorado is such an adventure.  The forecast today calls for more afternoon thunderstorms.  I have my fingers crossed that we will, so I am headed out to take advantage of some sunshine.

(this simple illustration was inspired by the recent afternoon rain and by our boy, whom I miss so much everyday it still hurts a little. I miss having him loyally by my side, though it often feels like he’s still right by me…mixed medium project: watercolor, Photoshop, and Illustrator)

Whirlwind of a Weekend


{happy to be back in Austin, a mango habenero margarita at Spider House, & a beautiful aloe plant}

My trip to Austin this past weekend was quite the whirlwind.  It was filled to the brim with wedding planning, marg sipping, shopping, and catching up with three favorite ladies.  The entire weekend was very productive, but super relaxing.  It had been a while since I had been back to Austin, and this trip I felt inspired by so many facets of the city.  I enjoyed being surrounded by fantastic graphics, and art,  all worn and warmed by the incredible Texas heat.  When we go back this fall for the wedding I’d like to spend an entire day on bike, patio hopping and snapping pictures of all the wonderful walls and signs encountered along the way.  I just simply love Austin’s laid back, funky style, and find Hill Country’s hardy landscape and vegetation strikingly beautiful.

In between wedding planning duties we found time for the pool and a dip in Barton Springs, which was surprisingly, but delightfully, chilly.  We also found relief from the heat in the form of air-conditioning, while shopping for my sister’s wedding shoes, and my bridesmaid dress.  We were successful, and her shoes and my dress are the same amazing, vibrant color.   All in all it was one of the most gratifying, and enjoyable vacations I’ve ever had.  Partly made so sweet because of it’s compact schedule.  It was such a memorable treat to spend this time with my mom and my sister.  Saying good-bye Monday was difficult, but made easier knowing we will have more celebrated time together in October. I’m happy to be home, but I can’t wait to see them, and Texas, again soon. xo

{just 3 of the many wonderful signs admired}

{just 3 of the many wonderful signs admired}


{& inspiring graffiti at dusk}


{at The Burlap Bag Etsy Craft Party}

{my sister’s ring & a peek at her sculpture garden venue}

Watercolored Words

Sometimes it’s best said simply, with beautiful colors. I head back home today after a wonderful weekend with my mom and sister.  I am sad to say good-bye, but I leave feeling inspired and ready to get back to my art room and my two loves. See you soon Colorado.

carpediemjust because2HEARTYOU2

WaterColored Roses

flowertiles2I have always wanted to be able to paint beautiful flowers.  So, I’ve been practicing.  I painted these using my grandfather’s water colors that my mom recently sent me.  Water color is one of my favorite mediums.  I love the way color bleeds and and fades.  I love how delicately the paint layers.  It often reminds me of stained glass, and beautiful light.    After playing with the paints on paper, I transferred the images to my computer and messed around with them in Photoshop, making patterns and experimenting with layers.  I get so excited every time I discover new ways to play with mixed media/mediums. My mind is already swimming with ideas, and more visions of water colored flowers. flowerstile3organic2