Time Away

{rare January morning sunlight in Washington}

I feel like things are finally starting to get back into the routine here. We are starting to feel more whole.  There have been so many changes/challenges in our life this past month, it seem 2013 has different plans for us than we thought four weeks ago in 2012.  And of course not all change is bad, in fact I feel at this point we have no choice but to embrace it.  Sometimes growth is painful and awkward, only because it takes us from places of comfort and ease, demanding action and creating vulnerability during times an adjustment.    More than ever I feel the need to find new spaces of inspiration, and really, they seem to be popping up everywhere!  Bill and I took a much needed trip to Washington just to be with family, and  to get out of our apartment for a while to heal.  It is always amazing what quietness and loved ones can do for a tired heart. But….despite the less than easy start to the new year, we have also had reason to celebrate.  My little sister got engaged on new years! So while staying at my parents my mom and I talk, talk, talked each others ears off about wedding plans! I’m honored my sister asked me to design her Save the Dates and Invitations, and I’ve already begun pinning like crazy!  I have so many ways I want to help decorate her colorful, October wedding in Austin, TX.    Be prepared to see a lot of wedding themed posts coming this way soon!  Here’s to making more and more time for creativity, and change for the positive!

{le nest & le mini egg}

{loved knick knacks}

{loved knick knacks}


{beauty between the cracks}


{first ferry boat trip}


{evening walks along the water}


{first coffee in a year & seagull with a snack}

{my 28th birthday cake}

{my 28th birthday cake}